Ghost Gathering Fest


Ghost Gathering Fest

Date: 12-13 July 2013

Location: The Japanese Garden, Herăstrău Park, Bucharest, Romania

Website: here.

Pricing: 40 RON (~10€) for a ticket or 60 RON (~14€) for a season ticket can be bought here.

Brief info: It is the second edition of the Ghost Gathering Festival, entitled “Ghost Gathering Chapter II – The Call For Spirits”. It is a festival that comprises the following genres: Neo-folk, Neoclassic Dark-wave, Post Rock and Metal. The legendary Romanian rock band “Celelalte Cuvinte” is at the forefront of the festival.

Schedule: Line-Up

Starts July, 12th at 13:00 (1 p.m.) and ends July, 13th at midnight.

Chaostar (GR)

Celelalte Cuvinte (RO)

Kayno Yesno Slonce (BG)

Universe217 (GR)

Larrnakh (HU)

Eye of Solitude (UK)

The Thirteenth Sun (RO)

C.O.D. (RO)

FusionCore (RO)

Kistvaen (RO)

Hteththemeth (RO)

N.O.R (RO)

Ghost Gathering Fest

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