Mării Valley (en. The Valley of the Sea) is the ideal place for canyoning in Retezat Mountains, in the area of Western Jiu river.

For canyoning, this route is particularly different than others. It has a heavy flow rate even in dry season. The canyon is spectacular especially near the waterfall of 35 meters high.

Canyoning in Romania - Retezat area - Marii Valley Canyoning in Retezat Mountains - Marii Valley

Marii Valey is a brook found in Retezat Mountains. It is a tributary stream of Western Jiu river.

The heavy flow rate occurs due to the fact that the valley gets its water from the main ridge of the Retezat Mountains. All brooks in the glacial cauldron under the Papusa Custuri Peak, Custura Peak, and Marii Valley Peak are drained towards Marii Valley.

Canyoning in Romania - Marii Valley
Anyone can visit the Marii Valley up to the 35-m high waterfall.

There’s a tourist path, and there are wooden stairs with rails in more exposed areas. The path is not marked. Still there are signposts with Marii Waterfall and Lazarului Waterfall (tributary of Marii Valley).

Romanian waterfalls - Marii Valley - Retezat Mountains

The big waterfall in Marii Valley - Retezat Mountains

Canyoning Marii Valley – Retezat Mountains

Covering Marii Canyon means descending six waterfalls of various lengths. The biggest and most impressive waterfall is 35 m high. At the base, the waterfall has a wonderful jumping pot.

Since the water from the canyon stems from high altitude melted snow, its temperature can be quite low.

Travel to Transilvania - Canyoning in Marii Valley
The advantage of covering Marii Valley Canyon is that you can retreat or enter the canyon near any waterfall. For this reason, the canyon can be covered by both novices and experts.

Marii Valley is one of the few places where you can canyoning in Retezat Mountains.

Things to see in Jiului Valley - Marii Canyon and waterfall Access: from Petrosani > Lupeni > Uricani > after about 5 km from the exit from Uricani, follow the signpost with “Buta Lodge” on the right side of the road (Pay attention! NOT “Buta Tourist Resort” – they are two completely different locations).

Follow the forestry road another 3 km until you reach a Y-intersection.

Road leading to Marii Valley - Retezat Mountains

Acces to Marii Valley - Retezat Mountains

Steer right following the Marii Valley/Lazarului Valley signpost. Another 100 m and you will have to park your car. You can get here by any type of car. The road can be easily covered.

Travel on foot from here, carrying your necessary equipment. You will reach a second intersection. From where you will follow the valley on the left (there is a signpost with Marii Valley).

Marii Canyon in Retezat Mountains - Travel to Romania
Marii Canyon in Retezat Mountains

Hike on the tourist path until you reach the base of the 35 m high waterfall.

In order to get to the upper part of the canyon, you will have to detour the waterfall on the right side (ascending). The path is quite trodden. It should be easy to find it.

Valleys in Romania - Marii Valley - Retezat Mountains Trekking to Marii Valley - Retezat Mountains

For those who don’t want to waste too much energy, you can travel by car, but you will have to drive an off-road car.

On the first intersection (where you have taken right) continue on the left forestry road. After a while the road will cross Marii Valley through a bridge. You will descend the valley on foot until you reach the entrance of the canyon.

This alternative is not practical unless you have a driver who can drive it well aslant.

The TGR team covered the entrance to the canyon on foot.
35m waterfall in Marii Canyon - Retezat Mountains Recommended period:
We suggest covering the canyon in July-September for a smooth trip. During spring, the water flow is heavy due to the snow melting in Retezat Mountains. The discharge is too strong at the 35 m high waterfall and descending the waterfall should be done only by experts.

Adventure activities in Romania - Canyoning in Retezat Mountains
Necessary group equipment: 70 m cord, 25 m cord (for the smaller waterfalls), carabiners with lock, first aid kit. It’s important that the ropes to be marked at the middle.
Individual equipment: full wetsuit (trousers, jacket with hoodie, socks, gloves), harness with two lanyards, descending device, whistle, helmet.

canyoning equipment - travel to Romania
Canyoning in Marii Valley (Retezat Mountains)
The canyoning area starts at about 50 m before the first waterfall.

Entrace to Marii Canyon in Retezat Mountains - Romania
Entrace to Marii Canyon

Here you will find a small fall that has a beautiful pot surrounded by rock walls at the bottom. You can jump from the edge of the pot.

Canyons and waterfalls in Romania - Marii Valley
Upper part of the Marii canyon

Don’t forget that the first member has to investigate the bottom of the pot lest somebody should get hurt. Those who jump inside can hit logs or rocks brought by the strong water.

The morphology of the canyon can change from one trip to another. Don’t rely on the fact that you tested it at one previous trip.

Best outdoor adventure activities in Romania - canyoning in Marii Valley
First passage of Marii Canyon

Waterfall 1 – is as 3 m fall which can be detoured to the right (downwards). It’s equipped with plates, chains, and ring on the left wall. You can get used to the water by descending this fall.

First waterfall in Marii Valley - Retezat Mountains
Waterfall 1 in Marii Canyon

We continue on the water stream. There’s another 2 m fall. You can descend through the right part of the valley or you can use the same anchors mentioned before by using the longer cord.

Wetsuit for canyonig in Marii Valley - Romania
Waterfall 2 – is about 8 m long. The anchors are found on the left side of the valley. You will find mooring with plates and rings.

If the water flow is weak, you can directly descend from the first two moorings. The rope has to be mounted only to the face of the water. The water level from the pot found at the base of the waterfall is higher than a person’s height. You can regroup after this waterfall.

Second waterfall in Marii Valley - Retezat Mountains Descending second waterfall in Marii Valley - Retezat Mountains
Waterfall 3 – is the tallest one. The canyon is equipped on both versants.
Right side mooring: anchors were set here in 2015. At the traverse line you will find two intermediary mooring points.

The head of the waterfall will steer you laterally from the water flow.

Fixing the rope in Marii Valley - Retezat Mountains - Romania Waterfalls in Retezat Mountains - travel to Romania

At the head of the waterfall you will find three moorings because it was wanted to make a zip line here. The descent will get you on the right side of the pot at the base of the waterfall.

Visual contact can be established between the two members set on the descent.

Head of the big waterfall in Marii Valley
Head of the big waterfall in Marii Valley

Left side mooring: there are no anchors for the traverse line. The head of the waterfall is impractically positioned. You cannot establish visual contact with your team members. You can’t see if they reached the base of the waterfall or not. The first to descend has to pay extra attention especially since s/he has to traverse the pot at the base. It is quite deep and the water current is strong.

You cannot use auditory signals since the noise from the waterfall is too loud. 

Marii Valley and waterfall - Retezat Mountains - Travel to Romania
Marii Valley and waterfall

For safety reasons, we suggest using the anchors on the right side of the valley.

At the base of the 35 m waterfall, from the pot, you will have to descend again.

There’s a slide with a 5 m elevation gain. You can descend it without a rope on the right side. The rock is slippery, so you have to pay attention.

If you wish to use a rope, there’s a mooring – plate and a ring

Best outdoor activities in Romania - Canyoning in Marii Valley

At the base of the descent there is another pot in which you can jump from about 1 m above it. Don’t forget to investigate the bottom of the pot before jumping.

Things to see in Transilvania - Marii Valley - Retezat Mountains
Waterfall 4 – is a 7 m vertical. You will descend it using a tree found on the left versant as your mooring. You won’t descend through the water jet. You will have to put the rope till above the water from the pot since the water level inside it is quite high.

What to see in Jiului Valley - Canyoning Marii Valley
Waterfall 4 in Marii Canyon

On getting out of the pot, you will see that you will have to descend without rope about 1.5-2 m. You can mount a rope if you want to – there’s a piton with a ring.

After this waterfall you made it on the tourist path.

Descending Marii Valley in Retezat Mountains - outdoor activities in Romania

Canyoning at Marii Valley - Retezat Mountains - Romania

Waterfall 5 – is a 5 m vertical. The fall is found near the wooden stairs that help tourists ascend towards the big waterfall. The moorings are made of two plates set on the right side of the valley. You will have to leave your two carabiners in the plates until you descend. You will get them if you hike back up the path. The length of the rope has to be above the water. There’s a deep pot at the base of the waterfall.

Waterfall 6 – is a 6 m vertical. You descend it using a tree found on the left side of the valley as mooring. The descent is done laterally towards the water jet. Owing to the pot, the descent is well worth the trip.

Outdoor activities in Romania - Canyoning Marii Valley

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