Trekking and hiking in Romania

Fagaras mountains

Travel Guide Romania invites you to discover together the Romanian Carpathian treasures by trekking  in the following massifs: Fagaras Mountains, Retezat Mountains, Rodnei Mountains, Bihorului Mountains, Trascau Mountains, Parang Mountains, Piatra Craiului Mountains and many more. These trips could be undertaken by both beginners and advanced hikers in any season of the year.

We propose a few trekking options below, which can be adjusted according to both the number of participants and the team’s technical, physical, and psychical level.

Retezat National Park - Pietrele valley
Retezat National Park – Pietrele valley

Trekking 1 – a 4-day trip in the Retezat National Park where we propose ascending both the first two highest peaks in the Retezat Mountains – Peleaga Peak (2509 m) and Papusa Peak (2508 m) – and the Retezat Peak (2482 m). 


view from Retezat peak
view from Retezat peak

Trekking 2 – a 4-day trip in the Retezat National Park in which we propose the ascension of the Retezat Peak (2482 m), the legendary peak that named the entire massif, and the covering of ground of the most adventurous route in the Retezat Mountains: Portile Inchise Ridge.  


Papusa peak seen from Galesu valley
Papusa peak seen from Galesu valley

Trekking 3 – A 5-day trip in the highest massif in the country – Fagaras Mountains. You will have the opportunity to trudge the first two highest peaks in the Romanian Carpathians: Moldoveanul Peak (2545 m) and Negoiul Peak (2535 m). You will reach the third peak of over 2500 m: Lespezi Peak (2522 m). Accommodation can be done at a cabin, a shelter or tent, depending on your preferences and availability to adventure.


Negoiu peak in Fagaras mountains
Negoiu peak in Fagaras mountains

Trekking 4 – A 4-day trip in which you can discover one of the mountain massifs in Romania that is less travelled by tourists – Parang mountains. With its scenery that alternates between the Retezat and Fagaras Moutains, the Parang Massif remains a recommended location by Travel Guide Romania. 


Lung lake, Rosiile lake and Mandra lake seen from Parang main ridge
Lung lake, Rosiile lake and Mandra lake seen from Parang main ridge

Trekking 5 – a 3-day or 4- day trip in the Apuseni Natural Park, depending on the group’s availability. Sightseeing objectives such as Cetatile Ponorului Cave (tourist area), Galbenei Gorges, Scarisoara Cave, Bihorului Peak, Ruginoasa Hole, Bohodei waterfall can be visited.

Accommodation is possible at one of the numerous traditional pensions in the Apuseni Mountains or by encampment.

Ruginoasa Hole (Groapa Ruginoasa)
Ruginoasa Hole (Groapa Ruginoasa)

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