Canyoning in Romania

Canyoning in Romania

Canyoning – Travel Guide Romania organise aquatic experiences in the canyons, initiation routes or visits in the Apuseni Mountains area for those of you who are interested. Upon request, we can organise trips in other locations.

1. Oselu CanyonOselu Canyon - Apuseni Natural Park
Location: Apuseni Mountains – Bihor county
Waterfalls: 7
Difficulty: 7 out of 10
Visiting period: from April to November
Group size: 2 to 10 
Duration: 3-6 hours


2. Cheia Rea CanyonCheia Rea Canyon (Apuseni Natural Park upstream of Sighistelului Valley)
Apuseni Mountains – Bihor county

Verticals: 14
Difficulty: 6 out of 10
Visiting period: from April to November (dry canyon)
Group size: 2 to 15 
Duration: 3-6 hours


3. Oratii Canyon Rappelling techniques
Bucegi Mountains – Brasov county

Verticals: 11
Difficulty: 6 out of 10
Visiting period: from April to November (dry canyon)
Group size: 2 to 15 
Duration: 2-4 hours


The Guidance includes:
– specialised canyoning guides, paramedic, complete neoprene suite (pant, jacket, socks), helmet, harness, rappel device, double cowtails.

For guidance please contact us

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